Sunday, September 4, 2016 

Daniel Neiditch charitable work and foundations for a better world.

Daniel Neiditch charitable work and foundations for a better America. Mr. Neiditch works with our current and former Presidents to help bring homelessness in America and overseas to an end. His work has helped many children find a better life for themselves and their families.  His work overseas has impacted families without the basic needs we take for granted in America.  Below are pictures from some of the events.

Mr. Neiditch at a very young age started to give back to his local communities by volunteering for charity work. Now as a successful entrepreneur, he now spends the majority of his time doing charity work.
 Dan Neiditch and President Bill Clinton

 Daniel Neiditch and Chris Rock

 Daniel Neiditch and General Colin Powell
 Dan Neiditch and Patrick Ewing
 Dan Neiditch and Hillary Clinton
 Dan Neiditch and Michael Phelps
 Daniel Neiditch and Jesse Jackson

 Daniel Neiditch and NY Governor Cuomo
 Former Governor , Elliott Spitzer

 Daniel Neiditch and President George W. Bush

 Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani
 Daniel Neiditch and Donald Trump

River 2 River Realty is one of the companies Mr Neiditch has built.